Youth experimental theater will show a performance to help children with cancer (Announcements)

The youth experimental theater "Turn on the Light" invites you to the performance "The Little Prince" based on the sto by Antoine de Saint-Exupery.   

In addition, they wrote:

– Everyone must have heard of "The Little Prince". This mistery story written for children strikes even most educated adults with its wisdom. We invite you to see our own interpretation… Do not expect anything conventional… we will try to surprise you and make the author’s words alive for every viewer.
The show is a part of the project, which we started together with the NGO "Happy Children" with the art project ASTROBLASTOMA, and we would like the proceeds from the sale of tickets to be used for the play zone in the cancer department for children.
The play will be held on March 30, at 6.30 pm in the Regional Art Museum.

Tickets can be purchased in the museum or by phone 0957157664. Ticket price is 80 UAH.

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