Yandex will show the movement of buses on the map of Uzhgorod

Mobile application Yandex.Transport was launched in Uzhgorod. It enables citizens to find out where the bus they need is at the moment and when it is going to arrive at the bus stop. The program has the feature of tracking the bus movement online and predicts its arrival time.

You can easily track the movement of buses on the map: they appear on it as tags that move according to the movement of the buses. The number and route for each bus is indicated, and for each stop it shows which buses stop there and the time of their arrival.

Passengers at the bus stop can see how long they have to wait.

And if a person has not yet left home, they can come to the bus stop just before the arrival of the bus. For example, the app will tell you when the bus number 58 will arrive at the train station.

Route numbers and stops can be bookmarked. If the user does not know how to get from one point to another, the app will help them to plan a route.

You can download Yandex.Transport at the App Store or Google Play.

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