What are Uzhgorod utilities doing today?

Today in Uzhgorod, they are replacing street lighting line on Pavlo Pestel street, repairing lines at Mynaiska st., 29 and Oleksandr Popadynets street.

On Slovyanska embankment, they are mowing and cleaning slopes and mowing green areas on Vasyl Komendar, Lehotsky, Peremoha, Mykola Bobyak streets. 
Workers of the "UzhAgroMix" are trimming the hedge in the Masaryk park and on Taras Shevchenko, Braty Tobilevichi streets. On Yuriy Hoyda and Pavlo Pestel streets, they are cutting off branches of the trees.

Employees of servicing enterprises are cleaning of streets and their assigned areas. The MU "KSHEP" and "AVE-Uzhgorod" are clearing illegal garbage dumps on Onokivska, Potushniak, Sriblyasta, Silvay, Zhemayte, Ayvazovsky, Pankevich, Broadkachovich, Odeska streets, near the school number 6 and in Universytetsky lane. On Mykhailo Hrushevsky street, they are cleaning the storm drains.

Major repairs of sidewalks are being carried out on Sandor Petofi Square, Yuri Gagarin, Maria Zankovetska, Oleksandr Mozhaisky, Mynaiska streets. On Peremoha street, drainage is being installed.

Preparations for major repairs are being carried out on Shumna street.

Current repairs are being carried out on Zhupanatska and Fedynets streets. At Yuri Gagarin st., 239, the repair of the bus stop is being carried out.

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