Uzhgorod sakuras: myths and reality. What you need to know about the symbol of Uzhgorod

The "Sakura Fest" has officially started in the capital of Transcarpathia. So we decided to tell you about the wonderful tree that pleases residents of Uzhgorod and attracts guests to our city.

The striking beauty of the sakura is transient and requires you to enjoy fleeting moments:

Everything changes, everything passes…

The only constant is that in spring

The world will be covered with cherry flowers again!

Ryōkan Taigu (1758-1831), Japanese Edo era poet, philosopher

There will be many events during the festival dedicated to one of the symbols of Uzhgorod – sakura. Most of them one way or another are related to the themes of short-living flowers and pink color, as well as urban space and care for the environment. The campaign "Save Sakuras!" aims to educate people in order to preserve the delicate beauty. A flashmob under the tag #save_sakuras was launched on social media where people share experiences and photos, also the information campaign is ongoing. Below is the information from the flyers made by volunteers with the help of UzhNU scientists.

Sakura: myths and reality

Myth 1. Sakura does not smell.

Truth. Sakura flowers have a subtle scent of spring mist and mysterious East, and also the secrets of old Uzhgorod as we know and love it.

Myth 2. Sakura is suitable for bouquets.

Truth. Sakura flowers wither quickly. It’s almost impossible to dry them without loss of color.

Myth 3. Sakura is a name of the mazzard species.

Truth. Sakura is a collective name of decorative cherry forms with mainly pink flowers, derived from several East Asian species. There are several forms and more than 300 varieties, mostly of Japanese origin. Most sakuras belong to the Cerasus serrulata G.Don species.

Myth 4. Sakuras grow only in Japan.

Truth. The wild cherry is common in Japan, the Korean peninsula, in the Primorye region of Russia and adjacent areas of China. It grows in mixed forests.

Myth 5. Sakura can endure anything.

Truth. The tree is brittle, so it is better not to climb it and not to pull branches down – even a thick branch can easily snap.

Myth 6. Each exotic tree that you see in Uzhgorod is a sakura.

Truth. There are many exotic trees in the city that bloom in spring. There is magnolia, cercis and tulip tree, almond, decorative plums, apricots and peaches.

Myth 7 from In Transcarpathia, sakuras grow only in Uzhgorod.

Truth. Although Uzhgorod is rightly considered the capital of sakuras, and this tree is its symbol and tourist attraction, sakuras have spread in other cities of Transcarpathia, such as Mukachevo, Vynogradiv, Irshava, etc.   

Myth 8 from The longest sakura alley in Europe grows in Uzhgorod.

Truth. Unfortunately, it is a myth. For now. In Uzhgorod, in 2011, sakuras were planted on the Uzh embankments to form an alley in the future. But soon, vandals broke 53 trees – during one night on April 23. Currently, the longest sakura avenue is considered to be the one that is already blooming in Mukachevo on Uzhgorodska street, and allegedly consists of 252 trees.

Active Uzhgorod residents have made and recently updated the Sakura guide of Uzhgorod. So, admire the flowers despite the weather and, of course, save sakuras!

Illustration is from the magnet made by the volunteer organization Movement to support Transcarpathian soldiers (photo by S. Hudak), you can order the souvenir on the page in facebook

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