Transcarpathian taxpayers became more responsible

In the first half of the year, experts of the Ministry of Income defended the interests of the state in 2,133 court cases including those remaining from previous years. The fact that the level of tax culture of citizens and businesses has grown is evidenced by the fact that in the last six months, the number of cases received for consideration by the courts of different instances is by 500 less than that in the same period of the last year. 

Also, during January to June period, territorial authorities of the Ministry of Income of the region have filed to the court 24 statements of bankruptcy. During this time, courts have upheld 22 applications.

For the purpose of payment of tax arrears to the budget, in 2013, regional Ministry of Income authorities have filed with the Administrative Court 376 applications for debt collection from debtors in the amount of 20 million 809 thousand hryvnias.

Of the total number of cases under taxpayers’ claims, nearly 88 percent of cases are for invalidation of tax decisions / decisions for accrual of additional amounts of taxes and fees and on penalties imposed.

Source – Main Office of the Ministry of Income in Transcarpathian region

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