Transcarpathia is preparing for the Days of Tourism

On Tuesday, August 13, under the chairmanship of the First Deputy Head of the Transcarpathian Regional State Administration Igor Svyshcho there was a meeting on organization and preparation for the Days of Tourism in Transcarpathian region, during which, the XII International exhibition "Toureurocenter Transcarpathia-2013" and tourist festival "Euro Carpathians-2013" will be held in Uzhgorod.


   The exhibition and the festival will be held in the regional capital next month – 14 and 15 of September at the Regional Music and Drama Theater named after Sherehiy brothers and on the nearby square. Representatives of business and "green" rural tourism from all districts and cities of Transcarpathia will participate in these activities. The program of the exhibition and the fair includes demonstration performances in sport tourism, competition for the best tourist film and photo, presentations of Transcarpathian education institutions that train specialists for the tourism industry, and presentation of rural tourism: master classes in national dishes cooking, handicrafts, tasting of wine and food with honey.



   At today’s meeting, the delegates from district and municipal administrations discussed with the organizers the basic nuances of preparation and conduct of the Days of Tourism. Currently, districts are working on the selection of participants and their representatives to fairs and festivals.

Source – Press center of the RSA

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