The average salary in Uzhgorod is below 3000 UAH

According to Mariya Badyda, the head of the STI in Uzhgorod, the average wage of a full-time employee in Uzhgorod in the first quarter of 2014 was 2729 UAH, that is 6.2% more than that in the same period in 2013.

July 7, in Uzhgorod Press Club, there was a press conference: "Results of the activities of the STI in Uzhgorod in the first half of 2014 and revenues to the budget."

With regard to revenues to the budget, despite the "turbulent" situation in Ukraine, it is safe to say that Uzhgorod taxpayers are diligent payers – the chief tax officer said.

In January – June 2014, taxpayers of Uzhgorod paid 286.1 million hryvnias to the budget.

The main revenues to the budget are as follows:

– The largest share of revenue is the tax on personal income – 124.7 million hryvnias, almost 5 million more than that in the corresponding period last year, for the 1st half of 2013 the amount of the paid tax on personal income was 119.7 million hryvnias.

– Value added tax – 90.17 million hryvnias; 

– Income tax – 34.8 million hryvnias;

– Single tax – 18 million hryvnias (4.8 million hryvnias is the tax from legal persons and 13.1 million hryvnias is the single tax from individuals).

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