On Tuesday, it will become warmer in Ukraine, the real spring will have come by the end of the week

On Tuesday, March 18, a slight warming will be observed on the territory of Ukraine.

It was reported by the Ukrainian Weather Office.

Precipitation in the form of rain can be expected in the West and East of the country, in other regions, including the Crimea, rain is not expected.

In the Center, South and East, the temperature at night will not drop below 0 ° C (in the Crimea – at least +3 ° C), during the day you can expect up to +6 .. 10 ° C.

On rainy North and West, at night, the temperature will range from 0 to +5 ° C. During the day, the air will warm up to +7 …+11 ° C.

In the city of Kyiv and Kyiv region, rain is not expected. The temperature at night will reach +3 ° C, during the day the thermometer will rise to +6 …+8 ° C.

It is reported that by the end of the week, a real spring will have come to Ukraine. Thus, already on Thursday-Friday, it will be dry and warm throughout the country. As expected, by the end of the week the thermometer will rise up to +18 …+20 ° C.

Source – Ukrainska Pravda


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