On Mynaiska street, an apartment was burning (PHOTOS)

On March 20, at 12:10, Uzhgorod rescuers received a report of a fire in a nine-storey apartment building on Mynaiska street in Uzhgorod. The hearth of the fire was one of the apartments, which belongs to a 44-year-old woman, who called the rescuers.

Firefighters the 14th State Fire and Rescue Unit of Uzhgorod arrived at the scene.  In total, 10 personnel members and 3 vehicles were engaged. Due to dense smoke, rescuers had to wear respiratory protection devices. At 12:32, the rescuers managed to contain the fire, and at 12:55 – to completely eliminate it.

The fire destroyed a wooden cabinet and other property in the room. Also, the wooden door of the room, furniture, TV and window were partially damaged.

The cause of fire is under investigation, but probably the fire started because of negligence while smoking. The amount of damages is being established.

Nobody was injured and killed in the fire.


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