New car arson in Uzhgorod: the car was set on fire by “some punks” – Svitlyk (PHOTOS, DETAILS)

As you know, tonight in Uzhgorod, according to the old tradition, the car of another prominent person was burning.

This time the car of the activist Yuriy Svitlyk was damaged. Unknown persons threw incendiary mixture inside. Neighbors reacted quite quickly – they extinguished the Opel, and only seats, dashboard and steering wheel were damaged.

According to Svitlyk himself, the incident is definitely attributed to his social and political activities. "Definitely. I have no conflicts in other areas. Now we are fighting with the carve-up of the city municipal property by the current leadership of the city – Pogorelov-Andryiv-Voloshin, and also we are supporting the people in the conflict with the "Korzo" store, where the other party is Mayerchyk" – Yuriy said to the

Meanwhile he stresses that it was not a professionals’ wotk – those burn cars completely by dousing them with gasoline, "it was probably some punks."

The "Opel Combo", which caught fire around two o’clock in the morning near the dormitory on Universitetska street, actually belongs to a 52-year-old resident of Volovets district, 31-year-old Uzhgorod resident, entrepreneur and public figure Yuriy Svitlyk uses it under a power of attorney. According to witnesses, there were two offenders, during the arson they were talking to each other and laughing.

Uzhgorod city police has launched criminal proceeding over the car arson under Part 2 of Art.194 of the Criminal Code (intentional destruction or damage of property by arson). These actions are punishable by imprisonment for a term of 3 to 10 years. Now, the technical expertise continues, following which the cause of the ignition of the car will be confirmed.


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