Mobile dams for flood protection will be used in Transcarpathia

Certified flood protection system is widely used in European countries – including France, Spain, Romania, Hungary, for the protection of buildings and strategic objects during floods, instead of sandbags. The advantage of such dams is the speed of installation: a team of 4-6 people can install about a kilometer of the structere in 4 hours. Special equipment dismantles the system in a short time.

During the demonstration of the mobile dams in-situ, on the embankment of the Uzh river, representatives of the Danish company "Environment Solutions" told about its technical features. The tubing of the mobile dam is filled with flood water, fixed with clamps, and can be installed on any surface.

Due to massiveness, water can not wash away the structure.

Following the meeting, Hennadiy Moskal instructed experts of the region to examine the possibility of installation of the mobile dams in districts of the region at the expense of cross-border cooperation programs.

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