In Uzhgorod, known scholar Igor Todorov will deliver a lecture on geopolitics of Transcarpathia (Announcement)

This was reported on the event page on FB. The cycle of the educational events announced back in 2016 will also take place. Starting from January 21, you have a chance to attend exciting, dynamic lectures / conversations with outstanding and brilliant personalities – first locals and then guests from other cities. These lectures are intended for a wide audience and grouped into thematic blocks, including modern and classical art, informal education, urban studies, entrepreneurship. 
 The first meeting will be with a professor of the Faculty of International Policy, Management and Business, the Director of the Center for International Security and Euro-Antlantic Itegration, the head of the EU Information Centre in Uzhgorod National University, Doctor of Sciences Igor Todorov on "The Geopolitics of Transcarpathia: Opportunities and Challenges".
 Until 2014, Igor Todorov was living in Donetsk. After the beginning of the Russian occupation, he temporarily moved to the Crimea, and then – to Uzhgorod. Back in 2012, the professor of international studies was invited to Western universities as an expert in Eastern Ukraine, and in 2016, he was invited to Mariupol as an expert on Ukrainian West. Igor Todorov is a specialist who can look at Transcarpathia both from inside and from outside, so at the meeting with him, you will have an opportunity to discuss the features, risks and prospects of the region, which for centuries has been at the intersection of the geopolitical interests of different countries.
 The following issues will be covered at the lecture:
 The historical background of the geopolitical role of Transcarpathia in Central and Eastern Europe. Transcarpathia in times of Kievan Rus and under the rule of the Kingdom of Hungary;
 The role of Mukachevo Diocese of the Greek Catholic Church in Transcarpathia;
 "Golden Age" under Czechoslovak Republic, geopolitical intentions of the USSR and hybrid warfare with Czechoslovak Republic;
 Political Rusynism and its roots;
 Multiculturalism of modern Transcarpathian region as a result of historical processes. Business, cultural and political influences of Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Romania, cross-border cooperation;
 Prospects for the region in the context of European geopolitics.
 The lecture begins on January 21, at 14.00, the Owl’s Nest, entrance fee is 50 UAH.
 Tickets are available here

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