In Poland, the process on the arson in the Hungarian center in Uzhgorod has finished

The trial against three Poles accused of a terrorist attack in Ukraine – the arson of the Hungarian center in Uzhgorod in February 2018 – has ended in Krakow.

This was reported by the "Yevropeiska pravda" with reference to the "Polish radio".

Prosecutor Mariusz Sadlo said on Monday that it was a terrorist act that was a part of Russia’s efforts to exacerbate the conflict between Ukrainians and the Hungarian minority.

The prosecutor requests 4.5 years in prison for Michal Prokopowicz, a member of the Falanga neo-Nazi organization who orchestrated the arson of the Hungarian Cultural Center in Uzhgorod.

Along with Prokopowicz, the persons who actually commited the arson – Adrian Marglewski and Tomasz Szimkowiak – appeared before the court. Both are affiliated with the Strzelec paramilitary organization. The attackers were identified thanks to CCTV footage.

It turned out that both Poles were recruited by Prokopovich, a member of the pro-Russian Change (Zmiana) party whose founder Mateusz Piskorski was arrested in 2016 on suspicion of spying for Russia and China. It was Prokopowicz who gave them phones and money (they received two thousand zlotys for the operation ).

Prokopowicz said that he had received instructions on the attack from German journalist Manuel Ochsenreiter who has worked as a consultant for a German parliament deputy Markus Frohnmaier with the anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, known for his pro-Russian sympathies.

The prosecutor accused the Poles of promoting fascism, as well as endangering lives or property with fire.

The prosecutor requested for Michal Prokopowicz 4.5 years imprisonment, for Tomasz Szimkowiak – 1.5 years imprisonment, for Adrian Marglewski – 11 months of suspended sentence with 4 years probation (he cooperated with the investigation).

The verdict will be delivered in two weeks.

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