“Iconostasis of Transcarpathia” reveals secrets (PHOTOS)

In the Holy Cross Greek Catholic Cathedral in Uzhgorod, there was the presentation of the publication "Iconostasis of Transcarpathia" by Ph.D., associate professor of Transcarpathian Art Institute Mykhailo Pryimych, which was published in the publishing house "Karpaty". 

According to the director of the publishing house Victor Braslavets, the idea was conceived two years ago, and now it is finally implemented. The book is valuable, because in Ukraine little is known about the sacred art of Transcarpathia. Moreover, the publication reveals many secrets. 

One third of the book is devoted to the already mentioned cathedral, where during 2010-2013, they managed to restore the sanctuary and discovered unique paintings of the XVIII century. This discovery "gave birth" to the new book that is an expanded edition of the previous book by Mykhailo Pryimych about iconostasis of Transcarpathia "Before thee…". They also found out the names of the artists who worked on murals of the Cathedral and its iconostasis. Those are paintings made by the artist Andrit Trtina that date from the 18th century. He performed work tn the sanctuary of the cathedral at the request of the then Bishop of Mukachevo Greek Catholic diocese Andriy Bachinsky. In fact, it was the last work of Trtina.

As for the iconostasis of the cathedral, which is very interesting, according to archival sources, it is the work of Francisk Fech. They even found the correspondence of the master with the bishop in which, in particular it is said that the materials must be the best possible, because the money was from the episcopal fund.     The publication includes photos of the sanctuary, chapel and the consistorial room.

By the way, October 15 marks 235 years since the consecration of the cathedral – bishop Milan said. It is the so-called Day of Maria-Teresia. Because Andriy Bachynsky consecrated the cathedral on that day it is a token of gratitude (Maria-Teresia was considered the patroness of the diocese). They were expecting her to attend the event, but the Empress at that time was already very ill. 

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