Funds for development of the region will be allocated under requests of the MPs from Transcarpathia – but not all of them

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has allocated from the state budget to local budgets of Transcarpathian region the first tranche of subsidies for social and economic development of certain areas.
– This is the so-called parliamentary money, that is the funds requested by the MPs from Transcarpathian (unfortunately not all of them) for their constituencies – Hennadiy Moskal said. – In total, the region will receive from the first tranche about 20 million hryvnia for Uzhgorod and Perechyn districts (thanks to MP R.Horvat), Rakhiv and Tyachiv districts (thanks to MP V.Petyovka), Svalyava, Volovets, and Mukachevo district (thanks to MP M.Lanyo) and Khust district (thanks to MP V.Lunchenko).
Unfortunately, some MPs from Transcarpathia for years have been doing nothing for the region, just putting spokes in wheels and shouting that "all is lost".
The table of allocation of funds by districts of Transcarpathia is below.  
See the list of facilities here:

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