Frost is expected in Transcarpathia. Rescuers advise how to keep warm

Constant feeling of discomfort from the cold is something quite unpleasant. And the body will not hesitate to "reward" for inattention with various diseases. If you do not want to spent all money in a pharmacy, follow the advice of experienced rescuers.

• The main principle of clothing is its layering. Thermal underwear must go the first. Its function is to immediately withdraw moisture from the body. If you go outdoors for a long time, it is preferable to wear thermal fabtic – its structure does not accumulate moisture, but removes it from the body to be evaporated from the surface. The second layer is fleece clothing. Jacket or sweatshirt made of this fabric retains heat well. The third layer is a jacket or a coat. During severe cold, we freeze not so much because of low temperatures, but because of biting wind.   In this regard, down parkas are much more practical than elegant coats or furs in protect yourself from frosty wind. 

• To keep yourself warm, clothing and shoes should not fit tightly to the body. This prevents blood supply and accelerates freezing.   There should remain an air gap between the layers.

• The same goes for shoes. Forget about fashion boots in cold weather. Shoes should be not only warm, but also quite free, so you could easily move your toes.   

• In cold weather, it is necessary to wear gloves. A scarf is also important. If necessary, you can cover your face with it.

• No matter how warm and properly you are dressed, if you stand motionless in the cold, you will quickly freeze. Clothes is designed to keep heat in our body. But in order to produce enough heat, you need to move.   Move your hands to enhance blood circulation in the freezing vessels. Also move your toes. Do not overtire. A tired person is more exposed to hypothermia. Protect exposed skin.

• Do not go out in the cold hungry. Be sure to eat well, preferably something high-calorie. If you are frozen, also eat something.

• If you spend all day outdoors, come into a warm room every half an hour or an hour.

• If possible, take a thermos of hot coffee, tea or soup.

• It is strictly forbidden to touch metal and gasoline. Metal conducts heat very well, and frostbite may occur in the place of contact. The same applies to gasoline. When working with such materials in the cold, always use gloves.

• It is strictly forbidden to use alcohol, because alcohol dilates blood vessels on the surface of the body, and this leads to faster heat loss.  Nicotine is also not the best assistant in the fight against the cold because of its detrimental effect on the vascular wall.

• Remember, if you have any symptoms of hypothermia – wax stains and numbness of the skin, immediately come into a warm room for several hours, get warm and eat.


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