Exchange of preliminary customs information will be launched at the Ukrainian-Slovak border in a few weeks

At the Ukrainian-Slovak border, the customs authorities of the two countries will start to exchange preliminary customs information about the goods and vehicles crossing the border.   The head of the SFS Oleksandr Vlasov and the Acting Director General of the Customs Department of the Financial Directorate of the Slovak Republic Tomas Prochocki agreed on that during a bilateral meeting in Bratislava.

According to the head of the SFS, the exchange of information will be carried out similarly to the cooperation with the Hungarian customs.The exchange procedure will start in a few weeks.

This will enable Ukrainian and Slovak customs officers to obtain information on the weight, nomenclature and customs value of the goods being moved before the cargo arrives at the border.

In addition, it will speed up the customs clearance procedure, which, accordingly, will positively affect the growth of trade between Ukraine and Slovakia.

The leaders of the customs authorities of Ukraine and Slovakia also signed the plan of joint events for 2019-2020.



The parties also agreed to consider the possibility of mutual recognition of the customs control results – data of scanning systems and weighing units.

Press service of the SFS of Ukraine

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