What, where, when on weekend in Transcarpathia (27 – 28 of October)

October 27 – an international conference "The Alliance of Religious and Civic Organizations to Protect the Climate of Eastern Europe" within the project of the German Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) (the village of Synyak, Mukachevo district).

October 27 – master class for children on making of coffee magnets with Yevhenia Borinska. The beginning is at 10.00. (Family Coffee Shop "Beavers", Hrushevsky st., 51, Uzhgorod).

October 27 – the closing of the 2nd theater festival – laboratory of innovative performances "Mukachevo TheaTron" – comedy social musical "God of Massacre" by J.Reza performed by the "New Drama Theater on Pechersk" from the capital. The beginning is at 18.00 (Drama Theater, Mukachevo).

October 27 – NGO "FRI Uzhgorod" invites Uzhgorod residents to take part in the city cleanup. The beginning is at 13.00 (gathering near the monument to A. Voloshin, Uzhgorod).

October 27 – an interactive Olympiad organized by the Youth Commission of the Mukachevo Greek Catholic Diocese. The topic is the Book of Exodus. Registration starts at 9:30. Prayer is at 10.00 (Preobrazhenska parish, the city of Khust), (temple of the Uzhgorod Theological Academy named after T. Romzha, Uzhgorod).

October 27 – 28 – All-Ukrainian Fest "Carpathian Ukraine" (Uzhgorod, Volovets district).

October 28 – celebrations on the occasion of the 74th anniversary of the liberation of Ukraine and Transcarpathia from fascist invaders. At 11:00 – laying of flowers to the monument "Ukraine – to liberators" on the Ukrainian-Slovak border. At 11:30 – laying of flowers to the monument "To volunteers of Transcarpathia – participants of the Second World War" (in the park near the hotel "Zakarpattya"). At 12:00, the participants will lay flowers to the Eternal Flame on the Hill of Glory. The events will be attended by veterans, leaders of the region, the regional center, as well as representatives of the Armed Forces, law enforcement, public organizations (the city of Uzhgorod).

October 28 – Weekend Music. Laureate of international competitions Natalia Lendyel (organ) and Hanna Haidu (flute). The presenter – Katerina KERECHANYN. The beginning is at 17.00 (Regional Philharmonic, Uzhgorod).

October 28 – "Tryam! Hello!" by Serhiy Kozlov. The beginning is at 11.00 and 13.00 (Transcarpathian academic puppet theater "Bavka", Uzhgorod).

October 28 – Uzhhorod Half Marathon 2018. The beginning is at 10.00 (the square in front of the Regional Music and Drama Theater, Uzhgorod).

October 28 – the Transcarpathian Academic Regional Ukrainian Music and Drama Theater opens its 73rd theatrical season: musical tale based on the play "The Birthday of Leopold the Cat" by A. Hayit. The beginning is at 12.00 (director – Oleksandr Sarkisyants), the official opening of the theatrical season with the Carpathian parable "Uncle with wings" based on the story of the classic of magic realism G. Marquez (directed by O. Sarkisyants). The beginning is at 18.00 (Transcarpathian Regional Academic Ukrainian Music Drama Theatre, Uzhgorod).


– "I don’t see colors… Unfinished project" – the first personal exhibition of the young Uzhgorod artist Angelina Hafynets. Every day (except Monday) 11.00-18.00, Saturday – 11.00-15.00, Sunday – 11.00-13.00 ("Uzhgorod" gallery, Svoboda Ave., 26, Uzhgorod).

– "Golden Autumn" from teachers of the Mukachevo Children’s Art School and members of the creative association "Raiduha" (fireplace hall, children’s art school, the city of Mukachevo).

– Transcarpathian artist Vasyl Bobita "The Colors of the City". Almost all works are exhibited for the first time. Every day, except Tuesday, 10.00 – 18.00 (Transcarpathian Museum of Folk Architecture and Rural Life, Uzhgorod).

– exhibition of the members of the Vynogradiv district organization "Mystetska Ugocha" (exhibition hall "Impasto", Vynogradiv).

– personal exhibition of works by Mukachevo artist Igor Lutsenko (Consulate General of Slovakia in Uzhgorod, Lokota st., 4, Uzhgorod).

– photo exhibition "International Salon of Art Photography: Carpathian Drag" organized by the Union of Photo-Artists of Transcarpathia and the Transcarpathian Local Lore Museum  (Transcarpathian Local Lore Museum, the city of Uzhgorod). 

– "Masterpieces of the Museum Classics Collection. Exhibition of works by the People’s Artist of the USSR Mykola Glushchenko (1901 – 1977). Etudes." Dedicated to the 27th anniversary of the independence of Ukraine and the 70th anniversary of the Transcarpathian Regional Art Museum; another exhibition – works of fine arts and sculpture dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Transcarpathian Regional Art Museum "Masterpieces of the Museum Classics Collection. Art of Transcarpathia 1948 – 2018" 9.30 – 17.30 (Transcarpathian Art Museum, the city of Uzhgorod).

– a new exhibition "Autumn colors in the work of A. Kotska" (Memorial House and Museum of People’s Artist of Ukraine Andriy Kotska, Vinnychna st., 20, Uzhgorod);

– 77 works of the People’s Artist of Ukraine Volodymyr Mykyta (visit by arrangement with the author) (museum of V.Mykyta, Sobranetska Street, Uzhgorod).

– Botanical Garden of UzhNU. Every day, except Saturday – Sunday, 8.00 to 16.00, tours for groups – 8.00 to 14.00 (Olbracht st., 8,  Uzhgorod).

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