Public transport price reductions for certain categories of citizens are valid and should be ensured

Members of the Board of Carriers at the Department of Housing, Construction and Infrastructure of the RSA discussed transportation of privileged categories of population and compensation of the carriers’ losses due to such services.

During the meeting was noted that today, given the changes in the current legislation, the process of compensation of carriers’ losses due to public transport price reductions for certain categories of citizens is not regulated.
– The Regional Administration appealed to the government, deputies of the regional council sent a corresponding appeal to the Cabinet of Ministers on the need to resolve the question of compensation of the carriers’ losses – the Acting Director of the Housing and Infrastructure Department Eduard Malyar said. – However, since this issue remains unresolved at the state level, carriers have no grounds to stop transportation of privileged categories of citizens and avoid responsibility for unjustified refusal from transportation of privileged passengers, – he said.

According to the Director of Social Welfare Department of the RSA Hanna Morozyuk, now the right to transportation at reduced prices applies to all citizens who enjoy the benefits for public transport. "Including old age pensioners and disabled. With the exception of those categories that lost their right to transportation at reduced price in June 2015", – the official informed.

However, the issue of funding sources (from local or state budget) to compensate carriers’ losses due to transportation of privileged categories pf citizens currently remains open.

It should be noted that representatives of the carriers reacted to the situation with understanding.  They assured that they would be providing transportation of privileged categories of citizens on general routes.

So, now public transport price reductions for certain categories of citizens are valid and should be ensured.

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