Погода на Закарпатті 10 – 11 грудня 2019 року

From 21.00 December 10 to 21.00 December 11, 2019, the following weather is expected in Transcarpathian region:

In Transcarpathian region: Cloudy, at night rain and sleet, in the mountains snow, during the day without significant precipitation. At night and in the morning, in some places, there will be fogs. At night and in the morning, on some sections of mountain roads, there will be ice. North wind of 7-12 m / s. The air temperature at night is +2° to -3°, in the daytime 0 to +5°, in the mountains at night up to –6°, during the day up to –.
In Uzhgorod: Cloudy, without significant precipitation. At night and in the morning, there will be light fog. North wind of 7-12 m / s . The air temperature at night will be about 0 °, during the day +3 to +5°.

Head of the Transcarpathian CHM V.M. Manivchuk

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