School vacancies in Uzhgorod

In Uzhgorod, 1753 children have been enrolled to the 1st grade, and there are still vacancies in 5 educational institutions.

According to the Education Office of Uzhgorod City Council, as of June 15, under the submitted applications, 1753 first-graders have been enrolled to the educational institutions of the city. As of September 1, 58 first forms in 25 educational institutions of Uzhgorod will start working according to the program "New Ukrainian School".

The Education Office reminds: if for some reason you have not submitted application on time, you can do it before the beginning of the school year, but only if there are vacancies at school.

To date, there are vacancies in 5 educational institutions: Uzhgorod secondary school №10 with the Hungarian language of instruction, Uzhgorod secondary school №12, Uzhgorod secondary school №15, educational complex "Harmonia", secondary school №16. All other schools have already filled the first forms.

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