In Uzhgorod, they eliminated the landfill on Odeska Street (PHOTOS)

Currently, workers are removing garbage from the illegal landfill on Odeska Street, near the 
kindergarten. According to the Acting Mayor Victor Schadey, today they have also eliminated landfills 
on Stantsiyna Street and Chelyuskintsi Street, near Transcarpathian Art Institute. 

Near Odeska Street, there are three landfills, which municipal utility will have completely eliminated 
by Monday. Local residents have repeatedly complained about the local "landscape", which, they 
said, was caused by irresponsible neighbors who throw garbage not in the containers but around 

"Almost all unauthorized dumps, to be exact 30, have been eliminated in Uzhgorod – the Acting 
Mayor Victor Shchadey said. – However, we have information that some unscrupulous residents 
have "restored" about a dozen of dumps by continuing to throw garbage off containers. Thus, next 
week, municipal services again will remove garbage from these areas. And the residents of the 
houses, for their part, will conduct appropriate outreach to those neighbors who litter the area. This 
may encourage them not to be lazy and throw garbage in the containers instead of making dumps 


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