In Uzhgorod, the police found a drug den and detained 17 visitors (PHOTOS)

Employees of the Regional Criminal Investigation Office found a drug den in an apartment in a multistory building on Zankovetska street in Uzhgorod. When the police came there, they found a large amount of drugs and arrested 17 visitors. An investigation over this incident has started.

Employees of the Criminal Investigation Office of Transcarpathian police, namely the Department for combating international and ethnic organized groups and criminal organizations received the information about a drug den in one of the apartments in a high-rise on Zankovetska street in Uzhgorod, where people use marijuana and synthetic drugs. The police organized secret surveillance in order to document the crime.

The police found out that the owner of the apartment was a 26-year-old Uzhgorod resident who is also a drug user. He owed money to his friend, a 44-year-old resident of Uzhgorod, who was brought to responsibility for drug-related crimes. To repay the debt, he let the older man use his 2-bedroom apartmen as a drug den.

On Wednesday, February 22, operatives of the Regional Criminal Investigation Office together with investigators of the regional investigation department raided this appartment and found there 17 visitors who were using drugs. All of them were delivered to the regional drug clinic for examination.

During the search, the police found in the apartment about 100 grams of marijuana, syringes with a crystal substance similar to the synthetic drug methamphetamine. The price of the latter on the black market reaches $ 1,000. Also they found electronic scales used to weigh drugs.

The investigation department of the National Police Office in Transcarpathian region initiated two criminal proceedings over this incident: under Art.307 (illegal manufacture and sale of narcotic drugs) and Art.317 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (organization or maintenance of a drug den).


All the seized substances were sent for examination. The choice of a pretrial restraint against the 44-year-old organizer of the drug den is being decided. The pre-trial investigation, during which the circle of persons involved in the crime is to be determined, continues. 

Department of Communications

of Transcarpathian Regional Police

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