Heat: the rules of survival

Heat bothers not only people but also cars. Cars should be protected from abnormally high temperatures, otherwise serious damages may occur.

Uzhgorod mechanic, Mr. Petro told "Ungvar" what should be done to protect the "iron horse":

– At high temperature never (!) leave lighters, deodorants or other sprays that are under pressure in direct sunlight in the car. When heated, they may explode.

Do not fill the tank with fuel completely. When heated, fuel increases in volume and can leak from the tank and ignite.

Direct sunlight may damage the interior, especially the dashboard. Plastic can crack and melt, and it is a danger to electronics. The problem is solved quite simply: if you can not put the car in the shade, cover the windshield with the screen that reflects light. Side and rear windows can be toned or covered with curtains. Also, you can use a cover for the whole car.

Coating of the car also suffers from the heat. The paint fades on the sun. It is important to immediately rub off any dirt, especially bird manure, otherwise the coating will be fading unevenly, and soon the car will be covered with conspicuous spots.   

– What is the first desire when you get into the hot car? – the mechanic asks.

– Of course, to turn on air conditioning to maximum capacity.It is also dangerous. If you let the flow of cold air on a heated windshield, it can become brittle and even crack due to the temperature difference. Therefore, first, the cold stream should be let out through the central and side vents on the dashboard and only two or three minutes later air conditioning can be turned on full blast.

If there is a crack on a windshield, the heat can make it burst. Therefore, you should take care of it before the hot season. Repair of cracks costs much less than replacing the entire windshield.

Like the human heart, the heart of a car – the motor – also suffers from the heat. It can boil.  It is easier to prevent "boiling" than to deal with its consequences.

Before the drive, you should check if debris does not clogg the radiator holes and if thermostat and fan sensor function correctly. In any case, it is advisable to carry in the trunk the supply of distilled water or antifreeze.  

Brakes in hot weather can "present" two surprises: pads and discs overheating and brake fluid boiling. This problem can be solved by installing quality pads and discs. In addition, do not engage grip on the mountain roads – use engine braking. As for brake fluid, it just should be replaced every two years. Old fluid accumulates moisture and changes its properties at 120 degrees instead of at 180-200 when it’s new. 

– In general – Mr Petro concludes – in the extreme heat it is better not to drive far. But if you have to, then follow those rules, and it will save your car and health.

Source – newspaper "Ungvar"

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