Has there been progress in the case of land allocation to participants of the ATO in Uzhgorod? (DOCUMENT)

As you know, recently, there was a scandal in the regional center. An area with land plots designated for allocation to participants of the ATO was divided between people chosen under a not entirely clear principle.

After the hype raised by veterans of the war, the case was reviewed. Some recipients themselves have written refusals, so on.

And now the participants of the Ukrainian-Russian war already have first documents which, according to the plan, should finally ensure allocation of the land to them.

This was announced by the head of the NGO "Brothers of Ukraine. Uzhgorod" Mykola Marchyshak.

"Friends, there is a good news, a detailed plan for Zahorska street (apple orchard) has been developed. This week, it will be posted on the site of Uzhgorod city council for discussion. Its approval will help to provide 219 participants of the ATO with land. Thank you for your support!".

The participants of the ATO and the public continue monitoring the process.

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