Did they want to insert a corruption component in the activities of the program of entrepreneurship development support in Uzhgorod?

During the discussion of measures of the program to support the development of small and medium enterprises in Uzhgorod for the years 2013-14, held yesterday in the city council, the participants discussed the fact that the mayor’s office suggested to provide among those measures the support of utility companies.

Thus, the list of measures included "Providing additional conditions to promote development of entreprises in communal ownership that provide priority services to the population of the city. The introduction of preferential rates for income tax and exemption from land tax." Also they proposed to encourage the development of utilities businesses "by providing a flexible system of the taxation benefits," and in order to do that – to set preferential rates (single tax, rent for facilities, equipment, land) to those who provide services to poor population groups."

The head of the regional office of UMB in Transcarpathian region Margarita Moshchak stressed that Uzhgorod utilities are constantly working with huge losses, doing their job inefficiently, but always receive funds from the city budget. "And they want to give them even more benefits? And who will determine what priority services or services for poor groups are? Department of Municipal Economy in return for "special services"? Why do they keep utilities rather than hold a competition among entrepreneurs, choose a few, give them the opportunity to do the same job and compare the results? Because it is is convenient for the City Hall to have these utilities," – Margarita Moshchak said.

The Deputy Mayor, Head of Financial Department Svitlana Korol also noted that "our utilities, to say the least, need better management." According to Svitlana Hnativna, the issues regarding benefits should be solved at the city council session after the working group has studied them.

The head of Transcarpathian Fund for Entrepreneurship Support "TES Fund" Andriy Vartsaba said: "If we do not see any plans, business projects of public utilities, why should we give them benefits? Let them present their estimates, then we can make a decision."

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