By helping animals we prove that we are humans

We recently wrote about the incident, which occurred in Uzhgorod, when a dog attacked a woman and killed a dachshund. It is striking that the attacker had the owner, who would not do anything about it.

Another dog-related info has been posted on Facebook. It was posted by Roland Tseber. He says that on the streets of our city, some unknown "cleaners" poison stray animals that do not represent any danger to people. Here is what he writes.

"Even as a child I understood that dogs have more humanity than some people. People call the dog the best and faithful, devoted friend, but are people best friend for dogs?!
 I do not know what kind of (excuse the word) rotten person could do this! No one has the moral right to do this, it’s not a dog’s fault that it’s homeless! I can’t calm down after I saw that!
 When I saw this dog, I understood that it had been poisoned, immediately called veterinarians. With the help of other people, we caught the dog and gave it necessary injections. Even after such suffering, the dog got up and ran away… The further fate of the animal is unknown to me.
 I ask all people (real people, not those who only look like ones!!!) not to be indifferent to animals, there are shelters where you can bring dogs!

Please help shelters with money or food for animals! 
And I appeal to those monsters, that do such things, please stop, because you will be punished for that one way or another… Better call the shelter and ask them to take a dog, if it bothers you! Or email me and I will take care of it.
Today, I decided to help homeless animals more, I will contact the shelter for dogs "Barbos", we will discuss the expansion and support for the shelter."

The author of the post calls us all not to be indifferent and help homeless animals, which have to struggle this winter.

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