A meeting of carriers took place in Uzhgorod City Council

A meeting of carriers providing bus transportation in Uzhgorod with the leadership of the City Council took place in the Uzhgorod City Council.

At the meeting, they discussed the issue of raising fares to 8-10 hryvnias. Uzhgorod carriers about a month ago submitted to the Department of Economics and Strategic Planning of the City Council calculations on the need to raise the fare in the regional center of Transcarpathia, but so far there has been no result.

Since the last increase in fares in Uzhgorod, the cost of diesel fuel alone has increased by almost 40%, the cost of spare parts is increasing, it is necessary to increase the salary, otherwise the drivers resign. Because of that, carriers can not work properly.

The head of the City Association of Carriers, Oleksiy Kulya, said that the situation is aggravated by the fact that, according to the City Council, the city owes the carriers over 5 million hryvnias in compensation for the transportation of privileged persons, so it is necessary to either pay the compensation or restrict the transportation of privileged persons.

The Mayor Bohdan Andriyiv reminded that the municipal transport had been launched in the city, the number of vehicles will increase. The city will continue to take all possible measures to prevent the restriction of the right to public transport benefits, especially for socially vulnerable categories of citizens.

Press Service of Uzhgorod City Council


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