The consequences of the session of the City Council: Shchadey vs Chubirko (direct speech)

The former Secretary of Uzhgorod City Council Victor Scchadey on his page on facebook commented on the circumstances of the dismissal which took place at the City Council session on Friday, November 7, blaming it on the new Chairman of the Regional Council Volodymyr Chubirko. Mr. Volodymyr  on his page on facebook  responded to the public accusations. 


Victor wrote: "There have been many questions these days, so I will tell frankly: the main organizer of my dismissal is the Chairman of the Regional Council Volodymyr Chubirko. He persuaded the Party of Regions members easily with the help of Bulanov, who persuaded my friends to vote for my dismissal. Ratushniak this time was not involved – perhaps after his crushing defeat, he is not taken seriously anymore – although the attempt of my dismissal in August was organized by Chubirko together with Ratushniak."

Now all pretend that they have nothing to do with it and find different excuses. But the fact remains – it was Chubirko who organized everything that happened on Friday – and Party of Regions members and Bulanov helped him in this. Which of them used which is not clear, they are now trying to find it out. Some allies 🙂 


Volodymyr Chubirko says:

 "Over the last few days, my name has been mentioned in the context of the vote of no confidence motion passed by deputies against the Secretary of Uzhgorod City Council Victor Shchadey. Frankly, until recently, I did now want not to respond to this nonsense and get involved in these political games. I have a lot of work as the Chairman of the Regional Council, trying to understand all the nuances of the new job. Today, however, Victor Shchadey publicly voiced all these rumors and actually accused me of his dismissal. Therefore, I must respond.

Perhaps I should be glad that today they are making of me almost a "gray cardinal" of Uzhgorod, who decides who should be the mayor, who should hold which position in the city, how certain deputies should vote. But I assure everyone that I am not interested in what is happening in Uzhgorod city council of this convocation. They compromised themselves long before the revolution and all that rat race is now worthy of attention of law enforcement agencies only. My opinion is that the city council should resign and re-election should be held. Period! Everything else that is going on in the building on Poshtova square is just inert attempts of representatives of the former regime to snatch anything that is left in already looted Uzhgorod.

I have nothing to do with any of the attempts to dismiss the Acting Mayor. I anticipated the developments that took place on Friday, but did not take this efforts seriously, and the fact of putting the issue on the agenda was no small surprise for me that I got to know while being on a working visit in Vynogradiv.

As for political bonus, again, it is Victor Shchadey who benefited from this situation the most. As he himself probably thinks, all is for the best for him – he got rid of the responsibility for the city on the brink of difficult winter period, he will not have to pay the debts of the city and save Uzhgorod from the crisis. Instead, he has plunged into his familiar environment of politicking and populism.

We can talk about these events for a long time, but there is one reason for them – after the Maidan, we have not been able to reboot the power in Uzhgorod. As a result, we found ourselves in a situation where the old mayor was removed, members of the city council lost the trust of Uzhgorod residents, and the new, in fact, appointed mayor, did not won it in democratic election. Hence the mess that we have now.

So the next year, after the winter, we will be looking forward to two things – spring and, finally, the election of the mayor and the city council. Uzhgorod Maidan will end only in spring. Only then, Uzhgorod residents themselves will dot the "i".

And politicians have to think over what they say, and not spread ungrounded accusations. I am accountable for my words and actions to the community of Transcarpathia and Uzhgorod in particular.

This is all I can say on this matter," – Chubirko said.

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