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Criminal case concerning the head of the village was sent to the court


The criminal case initiated against the head of Nyzhnia Apsha village for Part 3 article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (bribery, accompanied with a request) on March 1 was sent to the court by the regional Prosecutor’s office – told investigator of especially important Affairs prosecutor Ivan Bitlian.

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Ukrainian tried to smuggle 10,000 euro in the cocoa jar


Our compatriot chose a very “original” method of illegally transfer a concealed from the customs control large amount of currency in a jar with cocoa, which led to the compilation of the protocol and the seizure of 10,000 euro, together with the minivan.

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Prosecutor’s office opens a criminal case against customs officers


In late March, at the Chop customs check point “Uzhgorod”, the driver of the car “Audi 100”, in which a Transcarpathian was transferring from Hungary through the “green corridor” hidden from declaration 3190 cans of peas and 68 cans of corn estimated at around 365 thousand UAH, didn’t declare the goods, neither did he mention verbally about its presence.

Because of hidden cigarettes two drivers were deprived of “merces”


This afternoon, the employees of the customs check point “Tisa” wrote protocols under the Articles 342 and 352 Part 1 of the Customs Code of Ukraine on violation of customs legislation by two citizens of Ukraine who had tried to transfer in a simplified mode 1024 packs of cigarettes hidden in the cars.