Winter is on schedule. In the first week of December the weather will be significantly colder

This year’s fall fairly indulged Transcarpathians with lovely warm days, but already from the beginning of December they promise significant cooling and even the first snow.
According the head of the meteorological forecasts of Transcarpathian Hydrometeorological Center Andriy Zolotarev, a strong frontal zone, which on November 29 brought rains to Transcarpathia, will stay for a few days. On November 30 a gradual but active decrease of air temperature will begin. 
It will be quite windy, in the lowlands it will rain, and in the mountains there will be sleet. On the plains during daytime the temperature will be within 3-8 ° C, during the night it will be colder – 0 – 5. In the mountains this day daytime temperatures will be 3 ° C, at night the air will freeze to -2 ° C. 
December 1, in Transcarpathia there will be not only calendar winter, but also a real winter weather. Even in low-lying areas of the region daytime temperature will not rise above 1 – 6 ° C, in the mountains the daytime temperature will be within 0 – 2 °. Rains will have already stop, though, as the weathermen assure, not for long.
December 2 it will be even colder. Night temperatures even in the plains will drop below zero, during daytime it will be around 2 – 5 °. In the mountains, daytime temperatures will stay at zero, and at night in mountainous areas there will be 2-7 degrees frosts. 
Similar weather conditions will remain in Transcarpathia on 3, 4 and 5 of December. 
However, already on the 5th of December the arrival of a new frontal zone is expected, which will bring even greater decrease of the temperature and sleet.

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