The members of the executive committee supported the draft decision on renaming four educational institutions of the city of Uzhgorod.
The educational complex with in-depth study of foreign languages "Pervotsvit" of the Uzhgorod City Council of Transcarpathian region to the educational complex "Pervotsvit" of the Uzhgorod City Council of Transcarpathian region.
The specialized educational complex "Secondary school – preschool educational institution with in-depth study of the English language "Yalynka" of the Uzhgorod City Council of Transcarpathian region to the educational complex "Yalynka" of the Uzhgorod City Council of Transcarpathian region.
Uzhgorod specialized educational complex with in-depth study of the foreign language "Veselka" of the Uzhgorod City Council of Transcarpathian region to the educational complex "Veselka" of the Uzhgorod City Council of Transcarpathian region.
The educational complex "Uzhgorod Economic Lyceum, secondary school" of the Uzhgorod City Council of Transcarpathian region to Uzhgorod secondary school № 9 of the Uzhgorod City Council of Transcarpathian region. – the press service of Uzhgorod City Council informs.
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