Sprat Syndrome

Every day thousands of compatriots from different parts of Transcarpathia come to the regional centre: some of them work here, some go to school and others come just on business. Even the Uzhgorod citizens themselves do not sit in one place – they travel. And each time everybody faces all kinds of problems concerning buses.
Experts say that now with the worst indicators of the transportation services quality Khust, Tyachiv, Volovets and Mizhgiria regions are “leading”. Moreover, according to the Chairman of "Zakarpatavtotrans" Miklosh Kossey, in some villages of these districts there are not even official transport.

Whose fault?

At the bus station "Uzhgorod-1" passengers complain that they often have to travel to Mukachevo standing. This is despite the fact that they bought the ticket at the box office with a seat precisely on the given bus.
In fact, as the head of Mukachevo bus station Adriana Ekman explains, such a situation only exists on intercity connection (of up to 50 kilometers). Here, buses have the right to carry not only sitting but standing passengers too. As for more distant trips, such as Uzhgorod-Rakhiv, the tickets, she said, should be sold only for sitting.
It’s no secret that, after leaving the bus station, in order to earn money drivers start picking up "hryvnias" on the road. And standing passengers clog the passage with bags causing a lot of inconvenience to all those who are in the bus. In fact, they are not to be blamed – there are not enough buses to meet the needs of all who have to travel.
If there is a lack of buses, as Miclosh Kosse says, the responsibility for this lies on district administrations.

… And the roads

According to the chief station of Mukachevo, both passengers and drivers have complaints about the inconveniences. Most often passengers complain about the behavior and bad manners of drivers. One may immediately inform the company about this on the telephone in order the needed measures towards the insolent to be taken. Also many people do not like the fact that drivers smoke while driving. "Often there are also complaints about the cancellation of a rout by a driver without any reason. In such a case  "Zakarpatavtotrans", being a direct participant of the transportation, addresses to the regional administration with a complaint of the contract breach and exposes the penalties.”

Drivers usually complain of bad roads, especially in mountainous areas of Rakhiv and Mizhgirskiy districts. And, as always, of the unprofitability of transportation in connection with rising prices of fuel and vehicle maintenance. But most are outraged that illegal drivers intercept the passengers. By the way, private traders turned out to be quicker and now control almost all the passengers flow in the region.

For some people even benches are good

Of course, in some cases it is more convenient to get to your destination in a small bus, though sitting on a wooden bench. But, according to the Chairman of "Zakarpatavtotrans", these vehicles are mainly converted from trucks, that is why they do not meet the standards of transportation of people. And there is no insurance against an accident. "In case of purchasing a ticket at the station box office, you will automatically pay premiums for life insurance. Therefore, in the case of accident the company is obliged to pay damages "- continues Miklosh Dyulovich. Although such cases haven’t happened yet.

And finally: even despite all these deficiencies, from April 17, the tariffs for the intercity transportation and transportation of commuters have increased.

Uzhgorod, Mukachevo – 14.4 UAH;

Uzhgorod-Khust – 31.85 UAH;

Uzhgorod-Tyachiv – 40.37 UAH;

Uzhgorod-Rakhiv – 64.29 UAH;

Uzhgorod-Velyky Bychkov – 52.33 UAH;

Uzhgorod-Mizhhiria – 49.35 UAH;

Uzhgorod-Siltse -23.03 UAH;

Uzhgorod-Velyky Berezny – 12.66 UAH;

Uzhgorod – Perechyn – 6.7 UAH.

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