Rescuers advise how to behave on the ice

In winter, many Transcarpathians choose entertainment related to recreation on ice. As soon as the weather permits, adults and children rush to skate or sled. 

Some prefer winter fishing. However, in all these cases, you should not forget that the ice can hide danger. If the ice is thin, a person can fall into icy water. So the State Emergencies Service of Ukraine Office in Transcarpathian region urges citizens not to risk their own lives and follow simple safety rules.

Step onto ice only when its thickness reaches 7 cm; for skating – at least 10-12 cm; mass crossing on foot is allowed only when the ice thickness is not less than 15 cm; crossing by truck – 35-55 cm, by tractor – 40-60 cm. The thickness of ice can be identified by its color. Thick ice has green or blue tint, and thin ice – white or yellow. It is very dangerous to test the strength of the ice with a foot. It is better to use a stick.


Ardent fishers should remember that winter fishing alone is risky. It is preferable to gather a group of several people, warn relatives of your intentions and make holes in the ice at a safe distance from each other. If a group of people walk on the ice, they should walk in line, the interval should be at least 5 m. A fisherman must have a strong rope in length of 15-20 meters with a loop on one end and a 0.5 kilo load on the other end, two nails or a knife – all that will help to get on the ice, when a man suddenly fails in the water.

Outerwear should not be fastened tightly, and straps of the backpack should be put on one shoulder, then in case of danger a person will be able to quickly get rid of them. And every man must remember that it is strictly prohibited to use alcohol or other drugs or psychotropic substances before and during staying on ice. If you need to warm up, it is better to drink some hot tea or coffee from a thermos.

What to do if you fell in cold water:

1) do not panic, keep composure, do not scream, if there’s nobody there – you will just waste energy, do not make sudden movements, stabilize breathing, try to keep the head above the water;

2) spread yours arms and try to hold on the edge of the ice, putting the body into horizontal position in the direction of the flow;

3) try to carefully lean against the edge of the ice with your chest and put one, and then the other leg on the ice;

4) once on the ice, rollover and crawl in the direction where you came from, where the strength of the ice is already known, slowly crawl to the shore.

Then you need to change. If there is no dry clothes at hand, wring the wet clothes and put in on again. To keep warm, do any exercise. You can rub yourself with a dry woolen cloth, then you need to hide from wind and if possible to drink something hot.



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