Record breaking festival “Hutsul bryndzya 2016”: gastronomic and other results

The results of the gastronomic festival "Hutsul bryndzya" held recently in Rakhiv were announced by the publication "". According to it, this year the festival has without doubt broken all records: record number of participants, bands, more than ten thousand visitors. There were some gastronomic records too: over a hundred cheese-makers, more than 11 tons of cheese and its derivatives, honey, wine and homemade liqueurs.

According to the cheese-makers, the products were selling well, despite the competition. Almost all tried to surprise festival visitors with something interesting. Cheeses with the addition of spices, herbs and vegetables were very popular.

 Overall, they sold about nine tons of cheese. The prices ranged somewhere around 100 UAH.

Sellers of embroidery ranked the second in terms of the number of retail outlets. Each of the vendors brought no less than fifty products.  The average price of an embroidered shirt was around 600 UAH. The cheapest cost 250 hryvnia, and the most expensive ones – over 7,000. 

The most successful vendor was a master from Kolomyia Victoria Olenych, who sold 35 embroidered shirts.

On average, each participant sold five embroidered shirts. In total, they sold about 200 embroidered shirts.

Sellers of wood products ranked third in terms of the number of outlets. It is difficult to count the number of the sold products, as well as those that remained on the shelves. The variety of products was also impressive: wooden spoons, forks, scoops, plates, bowls, boxes, and other wares.  But it’s safe to say that a wooden spoon or scoop were the most popular souvenirs from the festival.

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