Officers of Transcarpathian Security Service of Ukriane Office have also become blood donors for soldiers in the East

In Transcarpathia, officers of the Security Service of Ukraine donated blood for the needs of military personnel.

On June 10, officers of the Security Service of Ukraine Office in Transcarpathian region donated blood for the wounded soldiers in the east of Ukraine.

 Some officers of the Security Service of Ukraine Office have also performed their military and civic duties in eastern Ukraine. So the needs of the wounded fellow soldiers are treated with special care. 

– At the Security Service of Ukriane Office, there are regular donors, who regularly donate blood on their own initiative, – the head of the military medical service of the Security Service of Ukraine Office in Transcarpathian region Yuriy Veklynets says. – So this campaign is not the only one.

On this day, about 30 officers, including women, came to the station of blood transfusion to help save lives.  Among them, there were donors with rare groups III and IV. 

  Officers of the Security Service of Ukraine Office are frequent visitors at the regional blood transfusion station. For example, last year they donated blood for the needs of children with cancer.  And they come to donate blood throughout the year. – We often call them when we need certain blood types. Thanks to officers of the Security Service of Ukraine for helping us, – the head of the donor department of the Transcarpathian regional blood transfusion station said. 

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