Moskal initiates pre-Easter “spring cleaning” in the region

The head of the RSA instructed the heads of villages, towns, cities, and heads of district state administrations of Transcarpathia to organize a "spring cleaning" of the region, which should be completed by the Clean Thursday (April 13). Particular attention should be paid to unauthorized dumps.

– According to Christian tradition, before Easter, there must be a spring cleaning, which ends on Clean Thursday – H. Moskal says. – Therefore, next week everybody must roll up their sleeves and get to work. To clean the region from rubbish is not a request but a demand which will be monitored by the environmental inspectorate.

This agency has already started to perform its functions. Over the last two weeks alone, they have drew up reports on administrative violations and imposed fines, in particular on the heads of three district state administrations. If people (in particular this applies to heads of cities, towns and villages) do not want to clean the territory, which they are responsible for, on their own vilition, we will force them to do it.

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