Officials of the Ministry of Health visited Transcarpathia (PHOTOS)
Deputy Ministers of Health of Ukraine Viktor Lyashko and Iryna Mykychak are on a working trip to Transcarpathia.
Deputy Ministers of Health of Ukraine Viktor Lyashko and Iryna Mykychak are on a working trip to Transcarpathia.
In Uzhgorod, police detained two drug traffickers during a special operation.
Announcement of events to be held on weekend
Як уже повідомлялося, на митному посту «Дякове» Закарпатської митниці Держмитслужби інспектори спільно з працівниками Мукачівського прикордонного загону провели поглиблений огляд вантажівки марки «Рено»
As of the morning of July 25, 776 Uzhgorod residents have been confirmed to have COVID-19.
The number of people, who have overcome the disease, undergone medical treatment and received laboratory confirmation that coronavirus is no longer in their body, is growing. There are 419 such people in Uzhgorod as of July 24.
11-A form student Shalenyk Kristian received 200 points for the history of Ukraine
Public transport will start running this weekend. This was announced by the director of the utility “Uzhgorod Municipal Transport” Vitaliy Hotra.
The police received from two workers the information about the illegal detention of people from Transcarpathia on the territory of the household of a 30-year-old resident of a village in Skadovsk district of Kherson region. They explained that they were forced to work in the fields and were not paid. The men managed to escape and they immediately turned to the police.
Yesterday, at about 4 pm, patrolling Bohdan Khmelnytsky Square, inspectors noticed a truck that was soiling the roadway with concrete and hampering the movement of cars driving behind.