What are Uzhgorod utilities doing today?

Today, in Uzhgorod, employees of the Transcarpathian electric company are installing holders on the street lighting poles on Slovyanska embankment and restoring the street lighting line on Popadynets (Plekhanov) street.

The "UzhAgroMix" is mowing the green zones on the slopes of Pravoslavna embankment and Nezalezhnist embankment, Yuri Gagarin, Elektrozavodska, Timiryazev streets; the service company "UzhBudServis" – on Secheni street and Edmund Egan Square; the "NASH-Dobrobut" LLC – on Jan Hus street; the "AVE-Uzhhorod" – on Zhupanatska Square, on the Castle Stairs, Ferenc Rakoczi, Taras Shevchenko, Karpatska Ukraina streets. Employees of the utility enterprise UKKP are mowing grass in the cemetery on Timiryazev street.

Illegal dumps are being cleared today on the following streets: Vilmosh Kovach (Belinsky), Vasyl Komendar (Dzhambul) – by the "UzhBudServis"; on Viacheslav Chornovil street and at Svoboda ave., 31, Lehotsky st., 76 – by the "AVE-Uzhgorod".

Workers of the MU "KSHEP" at night were carrying out mechanized cleaning of streets.

As part of the overhaul of the coating on Sandor Petofi square in Uzhgorod, they are making crushed stone foundation, laying cobblestone pavement. The reconstruction of engineering networks on the same square continues. FEM-tile is being laid as part of the major repair of sidewalks on Yuri Gagarin street. The reconstruction of Mozhaisky street, major repairs of Peremoha street and Maria Zankovetska street continue.

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