What are Uzhgorod utilities doing today?

Today in Uzhgorod employees of the "Zakarpatelektrobud" are restoring the grid in Zoryany lane.

The "UzhAgroMix" are planting flowers on Leo Tolstoy street, conducting tree trimming at 8 Bereznya st., 3,5, 7, cleaning the river slopes. 

Workers of the MU "KSHEP" at night were carrying out mechanized cleaning of streets, mowing grass on Zahorska street.

The "AVE-Uzhgorod" Ltd. is clearing unauthorized dumps on Viacheslav Chornovil, Adam Mickiewicz, Yuriy Hoyda, Taras Shevchenko, and Oleksandr Fedynets streets.

Workers of the "Uzhbudservis", besides cleaning, are mowing grass on Vasyl Komender (formerly Dzhambul) and Pavlo Pestel streets.

Also, the city services are conducting the overhaul of Sandor Petofi Square, overhaul of sidewalks on Yuri Gagarin street, reconstruction ofAlexander Mozhaisky street (8 Bereznya – Mynaiska), overhaul of Peremoha and Maria Zankovetska street (from the intersection with Mikhail Hrushevsky street to the intersection with Tyvodar Lehotsky street).

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