From 21.00 January 13 to 21.00 January 14, 2020
In Transcarpathian region: Cloudy weather with clearings, no significant precipitation. At night and in the morning, in most of the region, there will be fog, in some places mild rime ice, ice cover on some sections of the mountain roads. Northeast wind of 5-10 m / s. Air temperature at night will be -1 to -6°, during the day 0 to +5°.
In Uzhgorod: Cloudy weather with clearings, no significant precipitation. At night and in the morning, thin fog, ice cover on some sections of the mountain roads. Northeast wind of 5-10 m / s. Air temperature at night will be 0 to -2°, during the day – 0 to +2°.
Head of the Transcarpathian CHM V.M. Manivchuk
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