Vandals behave outrageously!

In Vynogradiv unknown persons vandalize the city cemetery. At night time, they deface graves, pour dirt, grease and paint on tombstones and crosses. Citizens are concerned about the critical situation that prevailed in the city cemetery. The place of rest, that is the cemetery, is a restless place. The road through the cemetery is constatntly used not only by pedestrians, but also by cyclists and people riding on scooters.  And someone regularly damages tombstones there.

         Mykola Paraska is one of the victims of vandals. At first he thought that they deliberately damage gravestones of his deceased ancestors only. But it is not so. Nearby, there are other vandalized tombstones. He noted a certain pattern – vandals damage only those tombstones that are located near the road, probably so that they could easier get away from witnesses.


Mr. Mykola has already written statements to the police and the prosecutor’s office, but he considers it appropriate to appeal to citizens asking to provide him information about the villains for a reward.

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