Uzhgorod restaurateurs will amaze fans with… toilets has repeatedly analyzed how the regional center of Transcarpathia is ready to the visit of European guests. After hotels and restaurants examination journalists prepared the review on condition of the most frequently visited place in the public catering establishments – toilets.

кофейня Карамелька на Грушевского


кофейня Карамелька на Грушевского 2


Дольче кафе на проспекте




кактус 2


пиццерия Крэйзи Рокки

pizzeria ‘Crazy Rokki’

пиццерия Крэйзи Рокки 2

pizzeria ‘Crazy Rokki’

The restaurants owners mostly took care of the general concept of the toilet facility as we can see in these photos. The tavern-museum ‘Detsa u notaria’ especially stands out among all of them. Hundreds of tourists both from Ukraine and abroad come here in order to see the toilet facility of this establishment. However, there is no special hygiene and comfort here, but it is worth visiting at least to read different witty signs.  

деца  у нотаря
деца у нотаря 2

Beside the nice music in the sushi bar ‘Tenshi’ a toilet monitor, on which you can see the slideshow, is set. And the toilet here is completely black! 

суши-бар Тенши
суши-бар Тенши 2

‘Old Continent’, ‘Fan Fan’, ‘A Priori’ and ‘Unhvarskyy’ restaurants’ toilets are restrained but more sophisticated in theirs design. These establishments are clean, spacious and comfortable, with several separate booths and they are equipped with everything necessary. 

Олд Континент

‘Old Continnent’

Олд Континент 2

‘Old Continnent’


‘Fan Fan’

ФанФан 2

‘Fan Fan’

ФанФан 3

‘Fan Fan’

А Приори 2

‘A Priori’

А Приори

‘A Priori’

Toilets are very cozy in the ‘Mrs. Greenwich’ pizzeria network.

пани Гринвич Антресоль
пани Гринвич Антресоль 2

What regards to the rest of the cafes’ toilets it is worth to be noted that far not every owner took care of their clients’ comfort. In the majority of establishments there are no separate booths – normally it’s just a small, cramped room in which the toilet bowl and sink, the trash and the hand dryer are piled up in a heap, besides, the door lock seizes all the time. There are no hangers for handbags in almost any establishment of the city, which is a significant drawback. Besides, what concerns such cafes as ‘Vertep’, ‘Korzo 10’, ‘Astika’, ‘Delitsia’ and ‘Belami’ even the order cannot be found.   



Вертеп 2

корзо 10
корзо 10

‘Korzo 10’



Астика 2


пиццерия Делиция на набережной

pizzeria Delitsia on the quay

пиццерия Делиция на Проспекте

pizzeria Delitsia on the avenue

пиццерия Делиция на Проспекте 2

pizzeria Delitsia on the avenue

пиццерия Белами


пиццерия Белами 2


пиццерия Белами 3


By the way, there are restaurants in Uzhgorod where toilets are missing at all (‘Country Club’, ‘Tiramisu’, ‘Detsa u notaria’). There are toilets, but on the street. You must admit that these conditions significantly affect the customers’ comfort, especially in bad weather. 

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