The so-called skimmers appeared in Ukraine relatively recently. These technology innovations, that help easily take money from bank accounts of customers, are used by modern crooks. But it is not easy to detect them. For skimmers are inconspicuous, and customers realize that they were robbed usually too late. Several months ago, a similar device was found in our provincial Uzhgorod.
Recently, a scammer over the internet cheated a resident of Uzhgorod district out of almost 18,000 UAH. The woman went to the ATM in the shopping center of Uzhgorod, here she received the call of a "buyer" who started suggesting her what keys to press on the ATM to receive money. As a result, the pensioner’s hard-earned money in the amount of 17,680 UAH disappeared from her bank card…
One of such offenders, who was cruising the cities and stealing money, was recently detained by offficers of Kyiv cybercrime department of the MIA. As a result of well-planned and executed operation, the hacker was arrested red-handed – he had just tried to illegally withdraw a large sum of cash through the bank terminal.
Among his belongins, law enforcement officers found and seized a set of special equipment: cards for setting up the equipment, a pad for a card-reader with a built-in DVR to capture PIN codes, a skimmer itself that reads the magnetic strips of bank cards.
Currently, police officers are establishing the amount of damage caused by the offender to customers of banks, where he was "working", and finding out which cities he has committed crimes in. The investigation into this matter continues. Meanwhile, police warn citizrns: to avoid becoming a victim of cyber fraud, better use ATMs that are located in public places. Also do not give your bank card to third parties – there is no guarantee that these people have good intentions.
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