Uzhgorod lawyer is candidate for the National Anti-Corruption Bureau detective

Uzhgorod lawyer is in the list of candidates for the detectives at the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine

The name of Uzhgorod resident Vitaly Dyurd is in the list of 70 candidates recommended the Selection Commission to the Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine A.Sytnyk for positions of detectives. He is a lawyer. Since the beginning of the armed conflict in the east he has been volunteering in the Movement to support Transcarpathian sodliers. He was delivering humanitarian aid to the East.

Vitaly Dyurd confirmed this information to the in a telephone conversation. Now he is in Kyiv. He says that he passed the competition, which consisted of four stages. So far, only 70 detectives have been recruited to the Bureau (in total, there must be just over 240). They will have trainings with British professionals and the work itself will begin in a month or two.

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