Uzhgorod deputies seggest the university to… swap with a kindergarten

At the session of Uzhgorod city council a representative of the parents addressed the deputies about the situation with the kindergarten "Lastovichka".

They say that the kindergarten does not have enough space in the existing facilities and ask to return the second building to it – the one that was given to TSU and where the university accounting is situated now.

Then, the City Council supported the appeal of the deputy Rostislav Bulanov, who suggested the university (now Uzhgorod National University, which has joined with TSU) to take the building of the "business incubator" (on the ourtskirts of Uzhgorod) and to relocate its services there, and to return the "Lastovichka" the building which is adapted to kindergarten.

Specifically, this issue will be considered and voted at the next session soon.

Recall, the former city authorities had the idea to turn the "business incubator" into a kindergarten, and even provided 3 million hryvnia for that in the budget.

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