Transcarpathians are ready to hold meetings in Kyiv on the New Year’s Eve

Today, December 24, protesters, who yesterday took part in nationwide protests of trade unions that picketed the parliament during consideration of the bill on the budget for 2015, returned to the capital. According to trade unions, it is aimed against antisocial attack on human rights.

"There was less than a hundred persons from our region, – one of the participants, Serhiy M says.- But as for me, because I have been there several times during and after the Revolution of Dignity, it was the biggest protest since the Maidan and the most peaceful… Although, I confess, there were some provocations – hustle and disputes…"

Recall, December 23, in Kyiv, there were several rallies near different institutions and with different demands… In particular, government employees gathered near the Parliament and the Cabinet of Ministers and demanded changes to the bill on the budget for the next year. The government wants to reduce government spending by more than 26 billion hryvnias more than half of which is in the social sphere… For example, they are going to significantly "cut guarantees for teachers."

In general, 10 thousand citizens from all regions joined the protest of "trade unions"… From Transcarpathia, there were 70 public sector workers – doctors, teachers.

Currently, MPs moved the "budget consideration" to December 30.

If no changes are made to the draft law, residents of the most western region are ready to hold a meeting even on the New Year’s Eve.





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