Transcarpathian deputies are preparing another appeal to the Ministry of Education

Today, May 10, deputies continued reviewing materials and draft decisions proposed for the agenda of the 15th session of the regional council. In particular, the Commission on Education, Science, Culture, Spirituality, Youth Policy, Physical Culture and Sports, National Minorities and Information Policy chaired by Ildika Oros held its meeting.

 It was attended by the first deputy chairman of the regional council Yosyp Borto.

Traditionally, the commission first considered the relevant issues. In particular, the progress in the implementation of the Program for the Improvement of the Study of the Ukrainian Language in General Education Institutions with Instruction in Languages of National Minorities in 2018. The head of the office of financial-economic, personnel, legal work, accounting and reporting of the Department of Education and Science of the Verkhovna Rada Veronika Mayurnyk spoke on that issue.

 During the discussion of this draft decision, Ildiko Oros raised the issue of the need to provide schools with instruction in minority languages with Hungarian-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-Hungarian dictionaries.    Since those issues had already been raised before the Minister of Education of Ukraine, she suggested to prepare an appropriate appeal of the regional council to the relevant Ministry.

 A number of other issues that are planned to be put on the agenda of the regular session of the regional council were discussed discussed.

 Relevant comments and proposals to the draft decisions will be finalized for consideration at a meeting of the presidium of the regional council, the press service informs.

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