Transcarpathian center for social and psychological rehabilitation of children celebrates its 10th anniversary

Transcarpathian center for social and psychological rehabilitation of children celebrated its tenth anniversary.

The Center was set up in November 2005 as an institution of social protection for prolonged stay of children aged 3 to 18 who find themselves in difficult circumstances, to provide them with comprehensive social, psychological, educational, medical and legal assistance. Children stay here for 9 months, during which the decision is taken on their possible return to the family or subsequent adoption.

It was the first institution of this type in Ukraine. During 10 years of its existence, 330 children, who have found themselves in difficult circumstances, have received comprehensive assistance in the Center. Of those, 109 were returned biological families, 52 were given to foster families and family-type homes, 31 children were put under custody / care, and 10 children were adopted. Now, 20 children are living in the facility.

The tenth anniversary of the Transcarpathian center for social and psychological rehabilitation of children was celebrated solemnly: with the concert, festive dinner and gifts. Children received toys, books and sports equipment. The celebration was also attended by officials. In particular, the Head of the Service for Children of the Transcarpathian Regional State Administration Svitlana Yakimelina and Svalyava district officials.

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