The head of the Transcarpathian Regional State Administration Valeriy Lunchenko instructed his subordinates to prepare for the new heating season.
The officials are commissioned within a month to organize inspections of installations and objects of housing and communal services, commercial sector and the public sector.
Heads of district state administrations were ordered to take measures to ensure the full payment for the energy, heating and water supply consumed by the public institutions financed from local budgets; the formation of regulatory reserves of coal and firewood by September 1; to determine the need in natural gas, coal, firewood for public institutions for the heating season. They were also instructed to resolve by September 1 the issue of the transfer of communal housing, facilities and utilities to the municipal ownership of local communities, commissioning of constructed and reconstructed water supply and sanitation facilities, to ensure their safe operation.
Another innovation of the new government – units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Office in Transcarpathian region are instructed to provide access for employees of the "Zakarpathaz" JSC to gas heaters and meters installed in apartments to prevent accidents
However, the order does not clearly envisage potential disruptions in gas supplies. Neither it provides for the use of alternative energy for heating of public institutions. Overall, the documents duplicates the order that was signed by the "Governor" Ledyda a year ago.
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